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A simpler Wizard for Office 365 users in version 10.3

The Configuration Wizard has been improved and simplified in Promodag Reports for Exchange Server version 10.3. This should prove beneficial to all our user community and particularly for those with a full Office 365 configuration.

Choosing the type of organization when creating the database

The Wizard requests the organization type - On-Premises, Office 365 or Hybrid - each time a database is created. This enables hiding the steps regarding the On-Prem and Hybrid environments, thus making the Wizard much simpler.

Choosing the type of your organization

Fewer and simpler steps

The number of steps has been reduced and they have been simplified, which makes database configuration extremely simple.

Step 1: enter an Office 365 admin account

Set an Office 365 admin account

Step 2: choose the type of reports to generate

Choose the reports to generate in this step:

  • Traffic reports, to analyze your email traffic by user with a detail level down to the Subject line of messages
  • Mailbox size to gather information about mailbox occupation
  • Public folder size if your organization includes some

Select the type of reports to generate

That's it

The gathering of the information required to import data from Office 365 is now complete and you just need to click Finish to start the process.

Start importing data at the end of the Wizard

A new Office 365 QuickStart Guide

In addition to simplifying the Wizard, we have also created a new Quickstart Guide for Office 365 users. It is shorter and contains only the instructions necessary for Office 365.

Download it here in:

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About the author


Our flagship reporting tool, Promodag Reports, is an innovative and constantly improving email reporting product that brings together all the key elements from Office 365, hybrid and on-premise Exchange messaging environments.

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