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Add some styles to your reports

Version 10.1 of Promodag Reports for Exchange Server already provided the ability to add a logo to reports. We have addressed the matter of report formatting in version 10.2 by adding the ability to apply styles to different report areas. To do this, a stylesheet must be applied to reports. It can be created using the new built-in Style Editor we have added to the application.

This post shows you how to use this new feature.

Create or modify a stylesheet

To create or modify a stylesheet, you must use the Style Editor that is available in the Tools menu.

You can load any of the 4 styles delivered with the application or change the default style. The name of the style you are editing appears in the title of the window.

In the Preview window, locate the name of the report area whose style you want to change, and then select that area from the list of editable fields at the top. Once you have made your changes, go to the next area. At any time you can use the refresh button of the preview to judge the results.

Once you are satisfied with the result, save the stylesheet under a new name. A sneak peak is visible in the preview area.

All you have to do now is to check the result by applying this stylesheet to your reports.

Promodag Style Editor

Use a default stylesheet for your reports

To apply the same style to all your reports you can use the Tools> Options menu. Now all your reports will use this style, unless you want to apply a particular one.

Default style for all reports

Use a particular style in specific reports

Even if you have chosen a default style for report options, it is still possible to use a particular style at report level. This requires choosing from the list of styles that is available in the Presentation tab of each report.

Specific Style for one report


We are sure that this new feature will enable you to publish more attractive reports. Please feel free to share your comments with us! More information about our products can be found on our homepage.

About the author


Our flagship reporting tool, Promodag Reports, is an innovative and constantly improving email reporting product that brings together all the key elements from Office 365, hybrid and on-premise Exchange messaging environments.

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