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Display and filter messages linked to a specific recipient

Today we will look at a feature that is somewhat hidden but sometimes very useful especially for eDiscovery or other forensic search purposes: the listing of messages related to a particular recipient. This feature has long been available in Promodag Reports for Exchange Server and it has been greatly improved in v.10 to enable the user to perform a multi-criteria search.

This can be helpful when you need to quickly find if a message was sent or received by a mailbox.

We outline below how to do this in a simple way.

Select the recipient

Point to the recipient in the Organization tree, then right-click it and point to Linked messages.

Recipient contextual menu

Select the period to be displayed

Specify the search dates then click List messages. The list of messages appears in a grid that you can sort and filter in whatever way you like.

Messages linked to recipient

Refine your search

Should you wish to apply more complex filters, use the Filter Editor in the bottom right-hand corner of the grid. In this example we filtered on messages whose subject line contains 'Ipad'.

Advanced message filter

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Our flagship reporting tool, Promodag Reports, is an innovative and constantly improving email reporting product that brings together all the key elements from Office 365, hybrid and on-premise Exchange messaging environments.

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