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Exchange 2016 CU2 support and others improvements in v. 10.1.227

Here is a quick list of the improvements that come with Promodag Reports v.10.1.227.

SharePoint export options improvements

SharePoint export options have been revised and extended so that you can define a default document library for exporting reports to. Promodag Reports for Exchange Server can now list available documents libraries, and you no longer have to remember their names!

If you use SharePoint for Office 365, just tick the "SharePoint Online" option.

Sharepoint export options

This default library is proposed as a default in the reports output and export options:

Sharepoint report export

We had to remove SharePoint versions prior to 2010 from our list of supported versions due to these modifications,

Exchange 2016 CU2 message tracking files format is now taken into account

The format of message tracking files changes with Exchange 2016 CU2 with the addition of two new fields: log-id and schema-version. The message tracking data import process has been tuned up accordingly in PROMODAG Reports so that no errors are issued if new fields modify the format of message tracking files.

Public folder storage reports for Office 365

The following storage reports are now available in Office 365 environments:

  • Public Folder Storage Information provides detailed storage information on public folders. Use it to spot which public folders are too large, active, inactive or no longer in use.
  • Public Folder Size Growth is a graphical report that highlights the growth of public folders in a time frame based on folder count, item count and item size.

Other improvements

  • SQL Server 2016 is now supported.
  • Outlook 2016 (32-bit) is now supported.
  • The execution speed of reports on mailbox and public folder content has been optimized.
  • The execution speed of Office 365 directory import has also been optimized.
  • The case of Office 365 recipients whose license has been removed, and then granted again is now taken into account.

Bug fixes

  • An exception ""Table 'Tmp_TBL_INTER' does not exist"" could occur in several traffic and traffic statistics reports if using an Access database.
  • Modified or deleted instances of a recurring meeting could be erroneously displayed in the Calendar Item Search report.
  • The sort order was not implemented in the Message Attachments report.
  • An exception "SQL Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'MESREC_PK'" could occur during the import of message tracking files.
  • The Mailbox Size Growth report was incorrect at the 'Cumulative size' detail level if the time interval was not set to 'Days'.
  • Out of office hours were displayed in the OWA User Breakdown by Hour of the Day report.
  • Out of office hours were displayed in the ActiveSync User Breakdown by Hour of the Day report.
  • PowerShell was not detected if the version of Windows Management Framework was older than v.3.

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About the author


Our flagship reporting tool, Promodag Reports, is an innovative and constantly improving email reporting product that brings together all the key elements from Office 365, hybrid and on-premise Exchange messaging environments.

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