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Improved operation reports and trace files in version 10.3

We did a lot of work to simplify and standardize operations reports in Promodag Reports for Exchange Server version 10.3. This allows the user to better understand what has happened, and to verify that scheduled operations have worked well.

A brief summary on screen and by email

Whether you launch an import operation interactively or via an automated task, you will get the same summary on screen or by email. This report includes, for all available operations:

  • The name of the operation
  • Its status (OK if everything went fine, Warning to report non-blocking events or Error if an issue occurred).
  • The start and end dates for scheduled operations
  • The duration of the action
  • The result of the action with a summary of what has been done
  • In case of a warning or an error, a comment quoting the first event of that type.

Here is an example of an operation report on screen.

Operation report on screen

In operations reports sent by email, warning actions are highlighted in orange, while those in error are in red.

Operation report by email

In the event of an error, it is recommended to open the attached trace file and read it to find out in detail what happened.

The alert configuration screen has been simplified

The alert configuration screen has been simplified to integrate both the email settings and the alert settings.

We recommend:

  • To use an SMTP configuration that does not depend on an Outlook MAPI profile and would work both in the On-Premises and Office 365 environments.
  • To configure notifications to 'Always' with a level of detail set to 'Errors & Warnings'.

Alert configuration

Trace files are shorter and simpler

Trace files are more concise and only contain what is necessary for checking on the correct functioning of the product. Some information is now only available in the 'Debug' detail level.

More information about our products can be found on our homepage.

About the author


Our flagship reporting tool, Promodag Reports, is an innovative and constantly improving email reporting product that brings together all the key elements from Office 365, hybrid and on-premise Exchange messaging environments.

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