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Measure Office 365 adoption and detect trends

You are currently migrating users to Office 365 and it is now time to look back and check if they have started to adopt the new system, when they use it and to measure in which proportion. Promodag Reports will come in handy for that. In this post, we will try to show you how to produce a usage report showing the on-premise Exchange traffic vs Office 365, a second one displaying the top 10 users in Exchange Online, and finally a report showing the email traffic growth in Office 365.

On-premise vs Office 365 email traffic

Start the General Mailbox Traffic report and group mailboxes by Organization Type (On-Premise/Office 365):

Group Users by Organization Type

Then set the detail level to the lowest:

Get an overview of mail traffic in Office 365

And here is the report we obtain:

On-Premise VS Office 365 Email Traffic

The Top 10 users in Office 365

On that basis, you will also easily produce a report showing the top 10 users in Exchange Online. You will use the Mailbox by Traffic Level report for this purpose, and simply select mailboxes hosted on the Office 365 server:

Select Office 365 Users

Then select a top 10 by number of sent messages:

Select Top 10 Email Senders In Office 365

Here you go :

Top 10 email senders in Office 365

Mailbox traffic growth in Office 365

Finally, run the Mailbox Traffic Growth report to display the trafic evolution over time in Office 365:

Office 365 Daily Email Traffic Report

Here is our report:

Mailbox Traffic Growth In Office 365

What is the advantage of using Promodag Reports?

With Promodag Reports, you can import message tracking data from both your on-premise Exchange servers and from Office 365 into one single database. The reporting tool simply regards Office 365 as yet another Exchange server. This way, you can produce reports showing the email traffic split by Server or even by Organization Type (On Premise, Office 365).

If you migrate a mailbox to Office 365, this change is automatically detected upon importing the directory and the emails linked to the old mailbox are moved to the Cloud, ensuring a seamless transition to the Cloud.

These reports are only a few examples of what can be achieved with Promodag Reports for Exchange server. Our reporting tool, with a user-friendly interface and powerful features, can report on all versions of Exchange including Exchange Online. With Promodag Reports your Office 365 email reporting will be just a piece of cake.
Enjoy! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question about it.

About the author


Our flagship reporting tool, Promodag Reports, is an innovative and constantly improving email reporting product that brings together all the key elements from Office 365, hybrid and on-premise Exchange messaging environments.

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