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Error Invalid object name 'TABLE' after a database upgrade

You may get an error like Invalid object name '<database table> after upgrading your database. If this is the case, it is most likely that you upgraded while logged in with a different user account than the usual Promodag account. In this case, the updated or newly created tables and stored procedures are not associated with the dbo schema and Promodag Reports cannot see them.

How to verify it

Start SQL Server Management Studio, click on your database to display the contents of the various folders, then expand the Tables subfolder to display the list of tables. Make sure they are all prefixed with "dbo".
Repeat this operation with the Programmability > Stored Procedures subfolder. All stored procedures located at the root must also be prefixed with "dbo".

How to change the schema of a table to dbo

In SQL Server Management Studio, right click on the table, select Design, then press F4 to display its properties. Change the schema to dbo.

How to change the schema of a store procedure to dbo

In this case you will have to execute a query:
ALTER SCHEMA dbo TRANSFER <stored procedure name>

Example: ALTER SCHEMA dbo TRANSFER TLF_getExternalEmailTr

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