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How can I say whether we are entitled to upgrade to the latest version?


I would like to download the most recent package of Promodag Reports  but I am not sure that I can use it. Can I get this information without having the need to contact you?


You can use this version provided its date of release be prior to the end of your maintenance agreement.

Your Maintenance end date actually appears in the License window, that you can open under the Help menu. This date must be later than the date of release of the package you plan to download.

If you think that the maintenance end date you can see in this window is incorrect, please make sure that you have applied the latest *.lic file you received from Promodag to your database, or contact our Sales Department if necessary.

Promodag license screen with maintenance end

In the above example, the end date is December 31, 2021. Therefore, I can use all v.11 releases of Promodag Reports that were published before that date.

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