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How to export a list of the mailboxes returned in a report


Is there an easy way to export a list of the mailboxes returned in reports along with their email addresses?


You can perform this task by exporting the report in CSV format, either

  • Before launching the report, by choosing the destination File, CSV format, then selecting the two appropriate fields: RecipientName and EMailAddress.
  • After generating the report and displaying it on screen, by selecting File > Export Report.
Export your reports as CSV files

The fields can be moved in any order using the Arrow buttons to the right of the grid. You can also rename header names in the Alias column.

Customize your CSV exports
This method also applies to exports to a database table.

Use cases

This procedure applies to all types of Exchange recipients: mailboxes, distribution groups, public folders and mail contacts. It can be useful if you're planning to create a multi-stage report, such as a reliable list of unused distribution lists, as described in this series of articles

It allows you then to create CSV files that can then be imported into Promodag Reports and transformed into selection files. In this case, only SMTP addresses are exported in CSV format, without headers. These selection files can then be used in any other report. To do this, use the Tools > Create a Recipient Selection option. See this blog post: How to bulk import a custom mailbox list.

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