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How to unlicense an old server, license a new one and import data from it

If you wish to remove old servers, add new ones and import data from them, please follow these steps:

  • Run the File > Import Directory Data option, check the Complete import radio button and click OK. Promodag Reports will discover your new server.
  • Go to Help > License. Un-select your old server and select the new one. Click Apply and then OK.
  • On the File menu, point to Import Message Tracking Data.
  1. Select your new server(s) in the left pane and push it to the right pane using the => button.
  2. Click the Set Import Options button. Verify that all settings are correct, particularly the path to the message tracking directory.
  3. Check the date in the Next import date field and modify it if necessary. If your license is valid for a given number of server, it will not be possible to import message tracking files from more servers for the same date (if you removed your old servers on December 1,2022, you will only be able to import message tracking files from the new ones from December 2, 2022). If , you attempt to do so, you will obtain a 'Bad license check' or 'The maximum number of authorized imports for that date has already been reached' error message.
  4. Click Apply.
  • On the File menu, point to Import IIS Data (if applicable).
  1. Select your new server(s) in the left pane and "push" it to the right pane using the => button.
  2. Click the Set Import Options button.
  3. Verify that all settings are correct, particularly the path to IIS log directories.
  4. Check the date in the Next import date field and modify it if necessary.
  5. Click Apply.
  • On the File menu, point to Import Storage Size Data  (if applicable).
  1. Select your new server(s) in the left pane and push it to the right pane using the => button.
  2. Verify that all settings are correct.
  3. Click Apply.
  • On the Tools menu, point to Task Automation.
  1. If you have created one, select your import batch file (DailyImport.prb, for example) and then double-click 'Import Message Tracking Data' in the right pane.
  2. Make sure that your new servers are selected by default: the 'Process pre-selected servers for import' radio button should be selected. If you explicitly selected Exchange servers in the right pane, clear that list and select your new servers.
  • Finally, verify each of your custom reports and remove/replace any server selection that may exist.

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