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What are the minimal SQL permissions to run reports based on data imports?


I would like to grant minimal SQL permissions to some users who will regularly need to run 'static' reports - that is, reports on email traffic and on OWA and ActiveSync activity.


You will have to grant at least the following permissions to your users in SQL Server:

  • Object Explorer, Security node > Logins > Login Properties (User Mapping Page): Database role membership for the database should be set to db_datareader, db_datawriter, public.
  • Object Explorer, Security node > Logins > Login Properties (Server Roles Page): Server role should be set to public.

This will allow your users to run all "static" reports - i.e. based on data imports. The corresponding report categories are: Organization Overview, Traffic Statistics, Mailbox Traffic, OWA Activity, ActiveSync Activity, Global Traffic, Internal Message Delivery.

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