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Generate a list of all mailboxes, with their SMTP addresses and other attributes

Export Mailbox Attributes to CSV or Excel

You may regularly need to produce lists of User Mailboxes along with some of theit attributes, for example their SMTP addresses, user location (Office) and Employee Type. One solution is to use the Exchange Management Shell and run the get-mailbox cmdlet; however, it can take some time to retrieve this information, especially if your mailboxes are hosted in Exchange Online.
However, you can easily achieve that with Promodag Reports  whether you use Exchange on-premise or Office 365, by using Selected Attributes From Recipients, that you will find in the Templates > Organization Overview menu.

You simply need to select all mailboxes in the organization, or a group of mailboxes you wish to focus on, and then select the attributes you need to report on (First name, Last name, Email address, Office, Employee Type...).

Select the Mailbox Attributes you need to report on

Finally, export your report as a CSV file, and then open this file in Excel.

Export your Mailbox User Report as a CSV file

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About the author


Our flagship reporting tool, Promodag Reports, is an innovative and constantly improving email reporting product that brings together all the key elements from Office 365, hybrid and on-premise Exchange messaging environments.

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