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Update of our licensing policy to accommodate Office 365 mailboxes

We have updated our licensing policy with the release of Promodag Reports for Exchange Server version 10 and the support of Office 365.

Our previous policy was based on the number of on-premises servers, regardless of the number of mailboxes they hosted. With the arrival of Office 365, this licensing schema was no longer applicable and we had now introduced a per-mailbox scheme. Since the product has the ability to work with on-premises as well as Office 365 environments, we have however retained the two licensing methods: per server for on-premises organizations, and per mailbox for Office 365.

We also defined an upgrade policy to migrate the licenses of those of our customers who are migrating to the Cloud from a per-server licensing schema to a per-mailbox one. This policy consists in converting the number of mailboxes hosted on their licensed server(s) into an identical number of mailboxes hosted on Office 365.

For example, if your license covers 2 Exchange servers hosting 1,000 mailboxes in total, then we would convert your 2-server license into a license for 1,000 mailboxes in Office 365.

This also means that if your Exchange organization includes 10 Exchange servers with 10,000 mailboxes in total , and you only licensed one that hosts 1,000 mailboxes, then we wouldn't upgrade all 10,000 mailboxes based on the new schema, but only the 1,000 that are hosted on the licensed server.

In case you need to keep all your servers AND license all your Office 365 mailboxes during the migration period, you will need to purchase a temporary license.

If you need further information about Promodag and our products, see our homepage.

About the author


Our flagship reporting tool, Promodag Reports, is an innovative and constantly improving email reporting product that brings together all the key elements from Office 365, hybrid and on-premise Exchange messaging environments.

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